We usually hope to find ourselves in fertile environments, in which we can grow, thrive and that we pervieve to be conducive to our success. That means different things for different people but for me that would look like harmonious, stress and conflict free environments, with ample free time, devoid of constricting deadlines and schedules. It also happens to be the the polar opposite of where I have recently landed, despite my very best efforts to manufacture life to the contrary.
About here is where I usually like exercise my power of choice, turnabout and swiftly exit Stage Left from any drama, but this week I managed to stay put long enough to acknowledge that we are always going to find ourselves caught up in life simply happening, dramas and all. It's how we engage with intensity, adversity and stife that actually matters. We really thrive when we are flexible enough to ride change and to hold our own, with compassion for others, in less than ideal, even harsh and arid, conditions. It's easy to be poised on even ground.
Time and time again we see that resistance to change is the greatest source of distress, not the change itself, and that the drama is actually all our own making. If we can practice letting go of the little things (the end of a job, a house move, whatever) and flowing with the gentler tides of change, then we can prime ourselves from being knocked down and swept away by the really big waves that catch us all, such as the loss of a loved one. I went to a beautiful (timely) class this week themed around the lotus flower emerging pristine from the muddy waters. I love that image, although in reality I'm probably more like a weed - equally capable of growth through murky territory but emerging in a slightly more dishevelled and unruly manner. I guess it's not always how you find your way back towards the light that matters, just that you do.
☆ToWaRds ThE LiGhT☆