This month’s classes have been all about the heart. A lot of attention is given to the heart in yoga, and with good cause. As the centre of our being its presence is felt and heard throughout our everyday existence.  Our hearts ‘burst with’ or are ‘filled with’ joy, we are ‘heart-broken’, interchangeably heavy or light hearted and on and so on.  Most spiritual practices regard the heart as the very seat of the soul but what does it mean to try and live in a heart-centred way? To listen to and follow your heart takes courage and an unshakeable trust that you are supported by something much bigger than yourself.  Your mind will find a million excuses as to why it’s not the smart thing to do but that will not stop your heart from calling. Our hearts are inextricably linked with our purpose.  The fullness and lightness of heart I feel after teaching is a surefire indicator that, though I have much to learn, I’m on my way. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. It can be uncomfortable and even scary but expansion is seldom found within the confines of our comfort zone.  And here’s the real kicker -to live from your heart means that at times you will hurt. You will feel the pain and grief of loss, disappointment and failure, and all that goes with being tuned into the centre of your soul. What’s more, instead of allowing this pain to set or harden your heart leaving you embittered or resentful you will be required to find some kind of lesson in it. Again, your mind will rail and struggle against it and throw everything you have in your toolbox to ‘fix’ it but in the humbling words of Paulo Coelho:

“When you are defeated, you cannot pretend you are spiritually superior.  Sit down and cry. And suffer. You are allowed to suffer.  You are allowed to be defeated’’ 

To deny your pain, is to deny your humanity but to get lost in it is to give up the joy of life. So you will pick yourself up and learn to live alongside your experiences and know that love and joy and happiness will come again and the cycle will start over. Take a deep breath and bow to the wisdom of the heart.

Credits: Paulo Coehlo & The Power of the Heart by Drew Heriot