Body Matters
‘‘And I said to my body, softly, "I want to be your friend." It look a long breath and replied, "I have been waiting my whole life for this!" Nayyirah Waheed.
This poem and the volumes it speaks to the wars we wage on our own bodies and on those of others. The stories we tell about who should do and be what, where, when and how, somehow believing there is safety in sameness. .
We're all alike, yet all completely different. A universal life-force manifest and expressed through each of us in myriad unique and wonderful form. When we try to change ourselves in order to conform to rigid norms and ideals, we shut down a little of the light we were born to and life becomes smaller, more constrictive. When we force change on others, we go as far as to deny their basic human rights. Acceptance is the fundamental building block of care and kindness towards ourselves and others. Your body, uniquely yours, and strictly your business. Other people's bodies? Not yours and not your business unless otherwise invited.