Towards the Light 2.jpg


This handsome chap was lolling heavily to the left the other day so I turned him away from the window for a bit. Like all life, he strives for light - geared towards survival - and just two days later he’s on the up. By the weekend he’ll be nailing Tadasana better than I ever could. Perhaps next week he’ll over-correct and need a little more change to help him take on new shape and form. This is how we really assist ourselves and others, both in class and outside of it, through gentle persuasion back towards the light. One of my teachers uses the beautiful analogy of speaking to our distressed selves as you would a small child or a friend in need. Why is this important? Because the way you treat yourself directly correlates with the way you interact with others. I keep banging on about softness in strength at the moment but given the right conditions life will not just survive but flourish and grow more beautiful and interesting