S P R I N G you've been a long time coming. I always feel a rush of gratitude at the mere promise of longer, lighter, warmer and beautifully brighter days. Around this time of year I start to feel renewed enthusiasm for a more uplifting, elevating and opening practice. For me spring is an auspicious time for new ideas, the birth of new creations. It generates a real desire to shake off any residual sluggishness from the darker months. The earth may still be cold but just beneath its surface is the hum of burgeoning, soon to be manifest, potential. Birthing and creation require strength, commitment and focus - a real harnessing of energy before its release - and at this tipping point, nothing illustrates the convergence of energetic lines quite like Gurudasana, Eagle pose. I love and loathe this pose in equal measure, quite fitting for the equinox. Gathering strength and concentration to reawaken dormant vibrancy.